The Beauty of Simple Things!

Well this is something that I just love to watch. Its the simple lighting of the matchstick! The grace and elegance that the fire uses to engulf the chemicals on the stick combined with speed always tends to cheer me up. For me its like watching a beautiful run by Steven Gerrad resulting in a Goal!!.

Spits of Fire

How awesome would a sight of fire and brimstone raining down from heaven be?
Not too much for those it is raining on... but simply thinking about and imagining a shower of fire has many times left me in awe. Just imagine the destructive power fire raining down! Little tiny shining, glowing hot droplets falling and destroying anything they touch.

Oh, what a terrible but beautiful sight!!!

The following is something I figured out when I was just 10 or 11 years old.

This was my first experiment with fire.

All u need to do this, are a few straws(the ones we use for cold-drinks etc.,). The plastic easily catches fire and, when it does, it melts. The melted plastic falls as droplets. As they fall they are still burning and manage to create this effect of fire-rain. I used three straws to shoot the video, taped them to a stick and lit them simultaneously.

  • After the plastic fall down, it might still be burning.( thats why you see the newspaper i placed on the floor catch fire)
  • The melted plastic soon regains its soldity incase it doesnt burn up completely. So avoid dropping it on the floor. Its a tough job to scrape it out.
  • The fumes are toxic at times and stink... do this outdoors as far as possible.

A Broken Education System Is Trying to Break Me

Fire : Metamorphosis

Well, firstly, let me get one thing straight.. I am not a pyromaniac..

I just happen to love fire.. to see it consume something.. and just destroy it....

This is a video made by me with some of my friends for a competition here in college.

We were given the theme Metamorphosis and 8 hrs to come up with a story-line, shoot and edit the film.

This is what we came up with...

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